Jacksonville DUI Attorney

Jacksonville DUI Accident Attorney

When you drink and drive, you put not only your own life in danger, but the lives of others. Nearly half of all fatal auto accidents in Jacksonville are alcohol-related, and instances of alcohol-related accidents have actually risen between 2008 and 2009. Because of these statistics, Florida law enforcement is not shy about cracking down hard on anyone who may have caused an accident while DUI. If you are facing DUI charges and were also involved in an accident, it is critical that you contact a Jacksonville DUI lawyer as soon as possible.

Most DUI charges in Jacksonville are considered misdemeanors. With that said, there are circumstances that can turn a basic DUI case into a felony offense. One of the most common is a DUI involving an accident where another person is seriously injured or killed. In Florida, the common penalty for a vehicular manslaughter conviction is 15 years to life in prison. If might be your natural instinct to flee the scene if you are involved in an accident, but this has much worse consequences if you are caught. For vehicular manslaughter and leaving the scene of the accident, you could be sentenced to upwards of 30 years.

If you are arrested for DUI following an accident, the police and the prosecution might tell you that your case is open-and-shut and no possible defense can save you from a conviction. This is simply not true! With the help of an attorney who is not afraid to aggressively defend your rights and freedoms, an attorney with years of trial experience who knows how to handle a complex case like yours, you can beat your charges. Our firm can help—whether we fight to have charges reduced or dropped altogether, we always have our clients’ best interests at the heart of everything we do. Contact us to schedule a free consultation with a top Jacksonville DUI lawyer today.